Anna Ujwary-Gil, Editor-in-Chief, Institute of Economics, Polish Academy of Sciences, Poland

Anna Florek-Paszkowska, Editor-in-Chief, Centrum PUCP Business School, Lima, Peru


Aims and Scope of the Call for Paper

In the dynamic landscape of economics, business, and management, the Journal of Entrepreneurship, Management and Innovation invites scholars, researchers, and practitioners to contribute to an issue focused on "Balancing Contemporary Challenges in Economics, Business, and Management with Innovability." The aim of this Call is to explore the intricate interplay between ongoing challenges in the field and the innovative solutions that drive sustainable growth and success. This issue seeks to unravel the multifaceted dimensions of innovability, where innovation and sustainability converge to address the pressing issues faced by businesses and economies worldwide. We encourage submissions that delve into the theoretical frameworks, empirical studies, and practical implications of achieving a delicate equilibrium between contemporary challenges and the infusion of innovative strategies.

In today's fast-paced and ever-changing global landscape, organizations face a myriad of challenges, ranging from economic uncertainties and financial volatility to complex management dilemmas. These challenges necessitate a nuanced understanding of how innovation can be harnessed to not only navigate these obstacles but also to transform them into opportunities for growth. The aim of this issue lies also in examining how businesses, entrepreneurs, and managers can leverage innovability to foster resilience, adaptability, and sustainability in the face of contemporary challenges. By contextualizing these discussions within the broader theme of innovability, the issue aims to provide valuable insights into crafting strategies that not only address challenges but also contribute to long-term success and societal well-being.

Addressing these research gaps will contribute to a more comprehensive understanding of the complex interplay between contemporary challenges and innovability in the realms of economics, business, and management. Researchers are encouraged to explore these areas and provide valuable insights to advance the field. Papers may address, but are not limited to, the following potential research areas:

  • Sustainability and innovability: How can businesses strike a balance between innovation and sustainability, and what are the implications for long-term corporate success and environmental stewardship?
  • Entrepreneurial strategies for innovability: What entrepreneurial strategies contribute to innovability, and how can these strategies be adopted across diverse industries and sectors?
  • Managing innovability in times of crisis: What managerial approaches are effective in fostering sustainability and innovation during times of crisis, and how do these approaches influence overall organizational resilience?
  • Innovability metrics and performance measurement: What metrics and measurement tools are effective in evaluating the impact of innovability on economic, business, and management performance? How can organizations develop meaningful indicators to assess the success of their innovability initiatives, and how do these metrics align with broader economic indicators?
  • Cross-sector collaboration for innovability: How do collaborative efforts between different sectors (public, private, and non-profit) contribute to innovability? Are there successful models of cross-sector partnerships that effectively address contemporary challenges, and what barriers exist that hinder such collaborations?
  • Human capital development for innovability: To what extent does investing in human capital development contribute to innovability in businesses and organizations? What are the key skills and competencies that individuals need to drive innovation in the realms of economics, business, and management, and how can organizations foster a culture of continuous learning and creativity?
  • The role of cultural diversity in innovability: How does cultural diversity within organizations influence the generation and implementation of innovative solutions to economic and business challenges? Are there specific cultural factors that enhance or impede innovability, and how can organizations leverage diversity for creative problem-solving?
  • Digital transformation and innovability in traditional industries: How can traditional industries, such as manufacturing or agriculture, leverage digital transformation for innovability? What are the challenges and opportunities associated with integrating cutting-edge technologies into established business models, and how does this integration impact economic resilience and competitiveness?

Submission Guidelines

Submission deadline: August 30, 2024
Reviewed papers:  October 31, 2024
Final version of papers: December 31, 2024
Issue published: 2025

Please submit the paper proposals to JEMI at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. (indicating the title of the thematic issue: "Balancing Contemporary Challenges in Economics, Business, and Management with Innovability).

Papers that pass the initial vetting process will undergo a double-blind peer review. Submissions must be in English between 8,000 - 12,000 words. All submissions must follow the submission requirements (paper template, title page, declaration for authors, etc.) posted on the JEMI website at Papers not adjusted to our formal guidelines will be desk rejected.